Living The Good Life Alpaca Acres
Harrison, Michigan
Davina - age 15, great fleece,
very friendly and gives kisses
on demand
Esperanza, age 17, still has nice
fleece, friendly
Diamond, age 17, very tall, friendly and loves treat
Fancy, age 13, friendly while feeding treat. Beautiful fleece!
Reba, age 14. Suri, loves
eating from your hand
Dolly, age 14, Suri, very friendly. Loves neck rubs and treat
Daffney, age11, Suri, Dolly's daughter. Loves treat from your hand.
Precious, age 11, a little shy
Harmony, age 10, gorgeous fleece, friendly
Cocoa, age 9, very petite
Annabelle, age 11, very friendly
Mago, age 15, our very handsome guard Llamma! He is a gentle giant and watches over his herd!
Raydon, age 6, friendly, talks a lot
Malachite, age 6, friendly, likes treat
Alex, age 6, friendly and calm. Beautiful fleece